Welcome to the 6th Grade General Music Class!
On this page, you'll be able to find PDF files of almost any handout given out during class (including homework assignments)!
There are also some helpful links to websites, software, and videos that are mentioned in my class.
There are also some helpful links to websites, software, and videos that are mentioned in my class.
Class HandoutsBelow you can find links to the handouts from class.
Useful LinksYou don't need to buy your own ukulele, but if you are thinking about it... Check out my tips at the link above!
A free website to practice your ear-training and theory knowledge.
An internet-based way to build, count, and perform rhythms (with a weird computer voice, too)!
A great way to discover new music. If you liked a listening example, try plugging it into Pandora and exploring a whole new set of music!
SoundTrap and Soundation are both online programs similar to Mixcraft (below) where you can make your own rhythms, beats, and music! You will need to make an account in order to save anything.